The Q2 cpa exam passing rates, the first for the revised exam, are in! Q2 2017 Observations Comparing the numbers to the previous two quarters it looks as if the new exam, if not easier, is more suited to today’s CPA candidate. I would tend to think it better reflects what candidates are learning or know from school and…
Sometimes the only thing more stressful than taking a test is waiting to see how you did on it. Did I answer every question? Did I show my work correctly? Oh god, what if I forgot to put my name on it somehow? We all get these anxieties whether we we’re taking a spelling test in middle school or waiting…
No CPA exam prep course is complete without a final review. With all the information you have to process and internalize you simply have to go over it all again before the exam. Now we’re not talking about pulling an all-nighter before the day of the exam. Given the the type and amount of material we’re concerned with here you have to…
CPA exam tutors. You may wonder why they’re needed. After all, don’t CPA review courses have everything you need? Maybe. But there are some instances where working with a human being makes sense, because they can provide you with things that MCQs or video lectures can’t. A tutor can provide feedback, answer specific questions, and help guide you based upon your particular situation….
There isn’t one singular path toward becoming a CPA. Some people earn their accounting degrees, head out into the workforce, then decide to take the CPA exam later in their careers. Then there are others who know early on that becoming a CPA is a big part of their career path. If you’re one of those people who has long-known…
If you’ve been reading this blog at all you know that preparing for the CPA exam can be a long tough haul. It’s also a solitary one. Not only do you need to separate yourself from the rest of the world for long periods of time to study but your friends and family can’t really appreciate what you’re going through…
Not to sound like a pessimist, but that title is sadly true. There’s a lot of common, frequently repeated mistakes that CPA students make while taking the big exam, and there’s few feelings worse than seeing someone fail their exam by making the same mistakes again and again – especially if it only causes them to fail by a few…
The CPA exam is an exam like no other. It’s a notoriously challenging test and candidates commonly need to retake at least one section of the exam. With an exam this tough, it’s only natural for candidates to make mistakes while answering questions and sims. But the entire process surrounding the CPA exam is also very complicated. If you don’t follow all…
Beyond comparing CPA course reviews to find which is best is the question of why you need one in the first place. You’re a diligent person with good study habits, right? The fact that you’re at the point where you can sit for the exam is testament to this. So, what’s the point? Here are some reasons why. Framework…