The Q2 cpa exam passing rates, the first for the revised exam, are in! Q2 2017 Observations Comparing the numbers to the previous two quarters it looks as if the new exam, if not easier, is more suited to today’s CPA candidate. I would tend to think it better reflects what candidates are learning or know from school and…
Sometimes the only thing more stressful than taking a test is waiting to see how you did on it. Did I answer every question? Did I show my work correctly? Oh god, what if I forgot to put my name on it somehow? We all get these anxieties whether we we’re taking a spelling test in middle school or waiting…
The AICPA has changed the release dates for results for those who take the exam in April and May this year. The reason has to do with the revised exam that debuted on April 1st of this year. According to the site: “Due to the substantive changes introduced to the Examination in April 2017, time is required to conduct the…
The first quarter of 2017 is in the books. This is the last set of numbers for the current exam. Q2 will be the first with the revised exam. Data from AICPA. Salient Points For the most part the percentage differences aren’t that great but the negative trend continues. FAR continues its downward spiral. It’s percentage is the smallest…
Given how arduous a task it is to pass the CPA exam it’s no wonder that everyone is interested in the passage rates for it and its component sections. We’ve looked at the most recent data along with historical numbers and the results are interesting. CPA Exam Passing Rate is Steady Average scores for each section increased slightly from 2013…
Out of everything to consider when preparing for the CPA exam, the first and most strategic is the order in which you take the sections. This is the sort of question that’s tailor made for debate. And, with the pressure of taking the exam, it could be make-or-break, too. We did some research to see if our opinion as to…
The CPA exam is getting its first major update since 2011. The new exam places more emphasis on analysis and critical-thinking skills. During their most recent survey the AICPA found that the normal routine tasks a new CPA would be responsible for are being handled through new technology or outsourcing. Because of this, the newly licensed CPA is increasingly tasked…