In our efforts to reach CPA candidates and keep them informed, CPA Exam Hub has created a Pinterest page. It has multiple boards dedicated not to just the exam but also accounting in general and things like technology – all things that are of interest to the people who follow us on our other social channels. Please take a look…
Not to sound like a pessimist, but that title is sadly true. There’s a lot of common, frequently repeated mistakes that CPA students make while taking the big exam, and there’s few feelings worse than seeing someone fail their exam by making the same mistakes again and again – especially if it only causes them to fail by a few…
There’s no way to avoid it: networking is an important part of having a successful career. No matter what type of career you have or which industry you work in, having a strong professional network helps your career in many ways. But if you’re a young CPA just starting out or simply want to make a more active effort to improve…
Given how arduous a task it is to pass the CPA exam it’s no wonder that everyone is interested in the passage rates for it and its component sections. We’ve looked at the most recent data along with historical numbers and the results are interesting. CPA Exam Passing Rate is Steady Average scores for each section increased slightly from 2013…
If you’re at the point where you’re getting ready to tackle that big scary CPA exam, you’re probably starting to weigh your future career options. This is a good thing! After the CPA exam you’re going to want to start looking into what your prospects are, whether you want to jump straight into the workforce or further your education or…
The CPA exam is an exam like no other. It’s a notoriously challenging test and candidates commonly need to retake at least one section of the exam. With an exam this tough, it’s only natural for candidates to make mistakes while answering questions and sims. But the entire process surrounding the CPA exam is also very complicated. If you don’t follow all…
Beyond comparing CPA course reviews to find which is best is the question of why you need one in the first place. You’re a diligent person with good study habits, right? The fact that you’re at the point where you can sit for the exam is testament to this. So, what’s the point? Here are some reasons why. Framework…
It’s the most basic of questions for a site like ours but it shouldn’t be taken for granted that everyone who visits us knows everything there is to know about it. Part of our mission is to educate. So, let’s break it down. What It’s full name is the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination. It was developed and is scored…
As you know very well, the CPA exam is not an ordinary test. It’s definitely not like the tests you took in high school or college where you could just spend a few hours studying. Not only is it much more challenging, it’s also graded very differently. Several different factors play into determining your score. Weighted Scores All sections of the CPA exam are…